Biological dentist.


Holistic dentist.

A biological dentist, also called holistic, is a dentist who commits to a particular approach to dentistry; biological dentistry is not a dental speciality but is a different way of treating teeth and oral health. A regular dentist who has doubts about the validity of some traditional procedures and some of the materials used can be regarded as similar to a biological dentist.

For many years, the scientific community questions on the use of procedures and materials which can be harmful to the human body; one of the most known issues is that about mercury, a metal that is widely used in dentistry to fill treated cavities, but its poisonous characteristics are known to everybody.

According to some esteems, in 2009, dentists in America alone placed about 200,000 mercury amalgam dental fillings each day, but many countries banned that filling.

Natural dental care.

Biological dentistry tries to consider the consequences that some dental cares can have on overall health; it is called holistic because it treats the body as a whole, so what goes in your mouth affects the body and vice versa.

One of its cornerstones is prevention and the use of a mineral-balanced and healthy diet, as well as an adequate oral hygiene.

biological dentistChinese dental care.

In this way, biological dentistry unites the best practices and technologies of Western dental medicine with modes of healing of other traditions, such as those related to the traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, herbology, homoeopathy, and other practices.

The idea of the biological dentistry is to try to avoid all the treatments that can be harmful to the body unless these are not necessary.

This result is achieved with a targeted and conscious diet and the oral hygiene; in particular, diet is considered essential, to provide tissues, bones and teeth minerals and substances necessary for their health and regeneration.

Regarding traditional dentistry, the biological one is particularly concerned about silver and mercury amalgam dental fillings and the need to replace them with other materials; biological dentistry advice against nickel, that can be contained in braces, crowns or bridges; fluoride is considered toxic, and X-rays are not to do unless they are necessary.

Root canal procedures are considered harmful because can cause infection, and the tooth is filled with mercury amalgam or another material; teeth must not be removed unless there are problems with them.

Biological dentist. The treatment.

Biological dentists treat many common dental problems with different techniques, such as the blotting technique, the use of a nutritional program and natural antibiotic.

It is worth to look for a trained and qualified biological dentist, and deepen the available dental treatments; to do this, you must still do not get to the dentist in a state of emergency.