Dental Colombia.


Dental implants Colombia.

Today, dental tourism is becoming an attractive solution for those who can’t afford dental cares; it mostly consists in travelling abroad to nearby countries where dental cares are cheaper, but sometimes people might choose remote destinations and mix holidays and dental works. Anyway, medical and dental tourism market is growing, and many countries of the so-called developing world offer a broad range of dental treatments at low prices.

Many people are concerned about quality and don’t trust foreign clinics, but with globalisation, technologies and know-how are shared and spread all over the world and countries make efforts to increase and improve their structures and guarantee the professionalism of their dentists and doctors.

European and North America quality standards are usually taken as a reference point.

dental colombiaDental tourism Colombia.

Colombia is one of the countries that has developed its medical sector during recent years, and it is recognised as one of the primary providers of dental cares, especially in the United States. According to an article published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (N.C.B.I.) website, in Colombia there are about 21 dental schools, and “to obtain a licensure, Colombian dental students must complete 5 years of study in dental school, earn a diploma, and work for the government for 1 year”.

As training is very accurate and foreign patients can find state-of-the-art dental clinics in all the most important cities of the country, such as the capital Bogotà, Medellin, Bucaramanga, Santa Marta or Cartagena, a lot of people go every year to Colombia and experiences are positive. As a matter of fact, one the most useful way to find an excellent clinic in a foreign place is to speak with someone who has been there.

Dentist in Colombia.

Colombian dentists are usually considered very well qualified and most of them speak fluent English, as a high percentage of foreign patients is coming from the United States; at the same time prices are cheaper compared with those applied in North America, because in Colombia cost of living is very low. According to the esteems, dental treatments cost at least 50% less than those performed in the U.S., and standard of care is excellent.

Dental Colombia. Quality offer.

Going to Colombia seems to be a great way to receive high-quality dental works and visit an amazing and welcoming country, rich of beautiful landscapes, traditional and modern cities, archaeological sites.