Wisdom teeth removal.


Removal of wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth removal is a surgical procedure to extract one or more wisdom teeth; sometimes even all the four wisdom teeth may be extracted during the same procedure.

Wisdom teeth are also called the third molars and are the final set of molar to erupt. Some people have wisdom teeth, while others may have just two of them or don’t keep them; wisdom teeth can be spotted on x-rays.

Wisdom teeth come in between the age of 17 and 25 and during this period problems may arise, on the contrary, if you are older than 30, you have only a small risk of having problems with wisdom teeth.

Problems might develop if the teeth don’t erupt normally and are trapped in the gums; if they press against the other teeth; if the mouth isn’t big enough and teeth are crowded; if wisdom teeth have cavities or gum disease.

wisdom teeth removalDental care. Removing wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth removal is a common surgical procedure, but like any other surgical procedures it requires some precautions, especially after the extraction is done; it can be provided by the dentist or by an oral surgeon.

Before the surgery, the patient meets the dentist to talk about the procedure; the dentist will check any health problems, explain the procedure, discuss the type of anesthesia and any other questions the patient may have.

Wisdom teeth problems.

Some people may need to take antibiotics before and after the teeth removal.

A wisdom teeth removal usually lasts about 45 minutes; it can be performed in the dentist’s office or in a hospital, especially if the patient have all the four wisdom teeth to be extracted and if there are any risk for the overall health.

The dentist cut the gums to get the tooth out, then the tooth can be broke into sections if it’s easier to remove, the tooth is removed, the site of the removed tooth is cleaned of any debris and sometimes some stitches may be necessary.

The procedure is always done under anesthesia, that can be local, general or IV sedation, given through the vein.

Wisdom teeth removal.

After the procedure, there are a lot of recommendations to follow: pain and swelling can last for a week; you don’t have to touch the healing gum, with fingers or with the tongue, you have to pay a special attention to the blood clot that forms on it, since it has to remain on the gum, and for this reason it is better to not use a straw; in the first few days you should not consume solid foods, alcohol, coffee, soda or hot beverages and avoid smoking.

For any problems, or if the gum keeps on bleeding, you have to turn to the dentist.