Home dental care.


Oral dental care.

Oral care habits are the most important to avoid tooth decay, cavities or gum diseases; an adequate oral hygiene involves a few daily actions that can really make us save money and time spent at the dentist’s office.

The basic dental cares are brushing and flossing: brushing has to be done at least two times a day, in the morning and before going to bed. This action is fundamental since with the toothbrush we can remove every little piece of food and plaque that settle in our teeth, especially if we have crowded teeth.

home-dental-careMouth hygiene.

It is better to choose a toothbrush with a small head and soft bristles, to reach every side of the mouth and don’t hurt the gums. Brushing has to be gentle; brush every side of the tooth and the tongue, that is a breeding-ground for germs.

A toothbrush is the first ally against plaque and tartar and it is important to replace it every three or four months.

Electric toothbrushes.

For people with arthritis or other problems, there are electric toothbrushes. As regarding the toothpaste, it is possible to choose among many kinds of products, from sensitive teeth to stained teeth; patients can ask their dentist the most suitable toothpaste depending on their needs.

Flossing is recommended once a day; this activity is often neglected as people may think it requires a lot of time or they don’t know how to do it. Dentists can give the patient any information about a proper flossing, to choose the best type of floss and understand which is the method to remove plaque and food without hurting the gums.

Together with brushing and flossing, a mouthwash can improve the oral hygiene: every rinse has its specific directions of use that are important to follow.

Home dental care.

The dentist helps the patients to be aware of their specific necessities to keep their mouth healthy, what are the best products to use and how, so it is important to visit the dentist at least two times a year, and remember that the more we take care of the oral hygiene at home the less we have to spend to the dentist.

Diet and other habits, such as smoking, can help avoid cavities and gum diseases. A balanced diet poor of sugar prevents the developments of plaque; smoking is one of the most dangerous habits for gums and oral tissues diseases.