Healthy mouth.


Teeth care.

A healthy mouth is a condition for healty teeth and gums, but also for overall health. This is something now accepted by the whole scientific world, since there are always new studies and researches that confirm the strong interaction between mouth and body, even if it could seem obvious in and of itself. Mouth health has many consequences in overall health and from a social point of view.

healthy-mouthOral health care. The importance.

As we know mouth is like a window of the body, there we have the first step of digestion and it represents one of the first barriers against bacteria and germs, thank to the disinfectant properties of saliva. A proper oral care is thus fondamental for a good chewing and for speaking, but we don’t have to forget that nowadays it also assumes a new impotance in social relationships and for the improvement of self esteem.

Dentists and doctors always recommend to carefully take care of mouth health, first of all with a daily oral care, that basicly consists in brushing and flossing: this is the most important action to oppose the development and accumulation of plaque, the main cause of tooth decay and gums diseases.

Healthy gums.

Gums inflammation, if not treated, may turn into periodontitis and this may lead to more severe affections connected with heart, as bacteria spread in circulation of the blood, and have also relationships with diabetes, as inflammation that starts in the mouth seems to weaken the body’s ability to control blood sugar.

There are several connections between oral diseases and other pathologies: healthy teeth with a proper alignement can have connections with posture and bone health, it may be linked to facial pain and temporomandibular dysfunctions; some severe illness such as oral or throat cancer or HIV can appear and be firstly detected through some signs showed in the mouth.

Healthy mouth.

The common risk factors for mouth health, that can also be shared with other chronic diseases or conditions are: diet, that has to be poor of sugar, smoking and alcohol consumption, dental injuries, certain medication such as decongestants, antihistamines, painkillers, diuretics and antidepressants that can reduce saliva flow, stress, socio-economic status.