Low cost dental.


Affordable dental care.

With the increase of costs of living and a widespread recession, people living in richer countries encounter more and more difficulties facing medical spending and in paticular the dental ones. Where possible, welfare policies supported by governments can help people to pay the costs, even if some kind of treatments or extensive therapies are usually not covered, otherwise patients have to pay everything privately or can get a dental insurance, that sometimes worth the cost.

Tipically, dental insurance covers preventive care, as periodic exams or X-ray, basic procedures, as filling, extractions or periodontal diseases and major procedures like crowns or bridges and sometimes treatments like root canal or implants. Usually cosmetic treatments are not covered.

low-cost-dentalLow cost dental care. Dental tourism.

According to latest trends, often patients living in so called first world choose to travel abroad and benefit from dentistry centers of developing countries that can offer the same treatments and therapies at lower prices, but since some years a new system of low cost dental centers is growing up in western Europe, United States, Canada or Australia.

Cheap dental care. Low cost dentist.

In every country this system is formed by a high number of dental centers and clinics that offer the same services and the same professional dentists and technicians as the usual clinics, but follow the idea that today going to the dentist is not expensive as many years ago.

With new technologies, an efficient inner organization, a partition of specialized knowledges and the purchase of materials directly from the producers, these low cost dental centers can guarantee quality of treatments, materials and professionalism that respect law standards. No less important, they also succeed in reaching a part of population that no longer go to the dentist because of expensive costs.

Low cost dental. The alternative to dental tourism.

Low cost dental centers offer an answer to anyone can’t afford dentistry treatments or doesn’t want to go abroad to save money. Many doctors and dentists report that there is too much approximation about dental tourism because it takes a lot of time to find an adeguate center in a foreign county and there are many difficulties related to language differencies; moreover if problems arise after patients came back to their home country is not easy to make an adeguate check-up.