Best countries for dentists.


Best places for dentists.

Since dental tourism has spread widely as a viable alternative to take care of one’s dental health, people have started having a more worldwide approach on the matter, and rightfully so. Now, before choosing where, when and how to get our dental treatments, we have the possibility to take into account a vast range of options.

Dental tourism. This leads us to wonder, what are the best countries in the world, as far as dental care and dental services go?

Naturally, the answer is not univocal. However, a few things can be said with a generally good degree of certainty.

For one thing, going abroad for dental treatment is, obviously, also a matter of travelling. The destination needs to be conveniently close and/or easy to reach, otherwise the comfort of saving up on dental treatment is lost to travel and accomodation expenses. Fortunately, as far as accomodation goes at least, there are always travel packages and additional services provided that can make matters much easier.


Dental travel. The patients.

The need to travel easily is the reason why the majority of dental travellers consists of patients who live close to an international border.

For example, people who live in the South of the United States can easily travel to Mexico, while those who live on the East Coast usually choose to go to Costa Rica.

As well as travelling, the most important thing to take into consideration is the quality of the treatments provided, of course. Countries that are becoming more and more famous for dental tourism usually provide excellent services, up-to-date facilities and well qualified dentists, all at extremely competitive prices. One of the most coveted destinations is the aforementioned Costa Rica: there, you can find high-class professionals ready to meet your every need with innovative solutions, with prices up to 80% lower than in the US.

Dental tourism Hungary.

As for those living in Europe, similar advantages can be found in Hungary.

Although it isn’t such a widely known fact, Hungary can claim to have the highest rate of dentists pro capite than any other country. Some of the best clinics are find in rural areas: for example, in the small town of Mosonmagyaróvár, near the Austrian border, there are more than 160 dental offices.

Best countries for dentists. Hungary.

Hungary is an extremely convenient choice: the range of clinics and facilities from which one can choose is rich and outstanding, and all such clinics provide high-quality services forvery low prices.